Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is a limited liability company based in India and incorporated on 05/12/2017. According to the registry, this Company’s business identification number (CIN) is U74999UP2017PTC094709, and the corporation registration number is 094709. His email address is justmailguddu@gmail.com, and his registered office is G-1102, ADITYA URBAN CASA SECTOR 78 NOIDA Gautam Buddha, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301.
Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is a mca importing company with a Company with a NIC/SIC code of 74999, per official records. The Company was registered in 2016; its authorized capital is INR 0, and its paid-up capital is INR 0. The Company’s operations are based in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The Company is duly registered with the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur (RoC-Kanpur), and is classified as a non-government company.
The main activity of this Company, according to the listed directory, is #Other business activities#.
Table of Contents
About Jagattech Packzy Private Limited
Jagattech Packzy Private Limit is an Indian private company incorporated on 05/12/2016, and its registered office is at G-1102, ADITYA URBAN CASA SECTOR 78 NOIDA Gautam Buddha, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301. Current company year a. and its registration date is 5 years 10 months 21 days and classified as a non-governmental organization. Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is registered with the Kanpur Registrar of Companies (RoC-Kanpur). The Company was founded in 2016 by ANUPAM SINGH and ARCHANA SINHA. The Company had 2 directors at the time of its creation. They were appointed on 2016-12-05 and 2016-12-05, respectively.
The Company’s contact details are listed in the contact section, or you can contact them by submitting a request form on their website. Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is a MCA importing company with a National Industrial Classification (NIC) code of 74999. Based on this business code, the Company is engaged in business activities such as #Other Business Activities.
Jagattech Packzy Private Limited Overview
General Details | |
Company name | Jagat Tech Packzy Private Limited |
Ownership Type | private |
Primary Business Type | mca provider |
Category | Company limited by Shares |
Sub Category | Non-govt Company |
Main Language | English |
Corporate Identification Number (CIN) | U74999UP2017PTC094709 |
Year of Establishment | 05/12/2016 |
Age of Company | 5 Years 10 Months 21 Days |
Primary Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Date of Balance sheet | |
Date of Last Annual General Meeting |
Contact Details of Jagattech
Company Name: Jagat Tech Packzy Private Limited | |
Email: justmailguddu@gmail.com | |
Website : | |
Office Address: G-1102, ADITYA URBAN CASA SECTOR 78 NOIDA Gautam Buddha, road Uttar Pradesh, India,201301 | |
City: Uttar Pradesh | |
Country: India |
Where is JagattechPackzy Private Limited’s base?
Jagattech Packzy Private Limited was established in Uttar Pradesh, India.
What is the CIN number of Jagattech Packzy Private Limited and its incorporation date?
The CIN number of Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is U74999UP2017PTC094709, which was incorporated on 05/12/2016.
What are Jagattech Packzy Private Limited’s contact details?
Jagattech Packzy Private Limited’s contact information is justmailguddu@gmail.com, and its address is G-1102, ADITYA URBAN CASA SECTOR 78 NOIDA Gautam Buddha, Uttar Pradesh, India,201301.
Where is Jagattech Packzy Private Limited registered?
Jagat Tech Packzy Private Limited is registered with RoC-Kanpur, and its primary location is Uttar Pradesh, India.
What is the paid-up and authorized capital of Jagat Tech Private Limited?
The paid-up capital of Jagattech Packzy Private Limited is INR 0, and its authorized capital is 0.
What is the category of the Jagattech Company?
The Jagattech Company has been classified as a Company limited by Shares by MCA.
What is the incorporation date of Jagat Tech Packzy Private Limited?
The incorporation date of the Company is 05 July 2017.
Who are the appointed Directors of Jagat Tech Packzy Private Limited?
The appointed directors in the Company are:
- Anupam Singh
- Archana Sinha
- Sachin Sharma