Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is a limited liability company based in Mohali, India, and incorporated in 29/03/2019. According to official records, this company’s business identification number (CIN) is U18209PB2019PTC049258, and the business registration number is 049258. His email address is nishan.sandhu361@gmail.com, and his registered office address is PLOT No. 993, JLPL ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, SECTOR 82, MOHALI, Mohali, Punjab, India, 160055.
Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is a manufacturing company having an office with NIC/SIC code 18209, as per official records. The company was registered in 2019; its authorized capital is INR 100,000, and the paid-up capital is INR 100,000. The company’s operations are based in the city of Mohali. The company is duly registered with the Registrar of Companies, Chandigarh (RoC-Chandigarh), and is classified as a non-government company.
According to the listed newspapers, this company’s main activities are fur products, leather goods, other fur products, leather and fur #, and the production of leather products others. n.e.c.
Table of Contents
About Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited
Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is an Indian private company incorporated on 29/03/2019, and its registered office is located at PLOT No. 993, JLPL ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, SECTOR 82, MOHALI, Mohali, Punjab, India, 160055. The company’s current age and registration date are 3 years, 6 months 27 days, and classified as a non-government company. Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is registered in the Companies Registry of Chandigarh (RoC-Chandigarh). YUVRAJ and NISHAN SINGH 2019 started the company. The company had 2 directors at the time of its creation. They were appointed on 2019-03-29 and 2019-03-29, respectively.
The company’s contact details are listed in the contact section, or you can contact them by submitting a request form on their website. Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is a manufacturing business with the National Industrial Classification (NIC) code of 18209. Based on this business code, the company operates as Fur Products. Other fur products are # Manufacture of leather and other fur #, Manufacture of other leather products, etc.
Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited Overview
General Details | |
Company name | Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited |
Ownership Type | private |
Primary Business Type | manufacturer |
Category | Company limited by Shares |
Sub Category | Non-govt company |
Main Language | English |
Corporate Identification Number (CIN) | U18209PB2019PTC049258 |
Year of Establishment | 29/03/2019 |
Age of Company | 3 Years 6 Months 27 Days |
Primary Location | Mohali |
Date of Balance sheet | |
Date of Last Annual General Meeting |
Contact Details
Company Name: Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited |
Email: nishan.sandhu361@gmail.com |
Address: PLOT No. 993, JLPL ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, SECTOR 82, MOHALI, Mohali, Punjab, India,160055 |
City: Mohali |
State: Punjab |
Country: India |
Basic Information
CIN – U18209PB2019PTC049258 |
Date of Incorporation – 29-03-2019 |
Registered State – Punjab |
Registrar of Companies – ROC – CHANDIGARH |
Category – Company limited by Shares |
Sub Category – Non-govt company |
Company Class – Private |
Company Status – Active |
FAQ – Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited
Where is Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited based?
Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is based out of Mohali in the country India
What are the CIN number of Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited and its incorporation date?
The CIN number of Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is U18209PB2019PTC049258, which was incorporated on 29/03/2019.
What is the contact detail of the Ifft.net login, Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited?
The contact detail of Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is nishan.sandhu361@gmail.com, and its address is PLOT No. 993, JLPL ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, SECTOR 82, MOHALI, Mohali, Punjab, India,160055.
Where is Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited registered?
The company Ifft.net login Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is registered with RoC-Chandigarh, and its primary location is Mohali in India.
What is the paid-up and authorized capital of Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited?
The paid-up capital of Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion Private Limited is INR 100,000, and its authorized capital is 100,000.
How much does Ifft.net log in Multiethnic Fashion pay per year?
The average Ifft Multiethnic Fashion salary ranges from about ₹ 0.9 Lakhs per annum for a Fashion Associate to 3.2 Lakhs per annum for a Fashion Consultant. Salary plan based on salary 69 Ifft Multiethnic Fashion received from different Ifft Multiethnic Fashion employees. Ifft Multiethnic Fashion employees rate the salary and all benefits with 3.5/5 stars.